
Has anyone ever made such a fool outta you?

I very much enjoyed cross trainers last night. I thought both speakers were excellent, and I love that I can be there not as a student in high school, but a student of Christ...and life in Christ. I think the one thing I am near infinitely passionate about is to keep learning. Regardless of age or profession, I hope I never cease to learn, because I am the only one receiving these specific opportunities and perspectives I am offered during this lifetime.

In other news, there's never a more perfect time of day to listen to Ray LaMontagne than in the dewey and newly sunlit morning.

Want to hear something potentially tragic but astoundingly okay? Last night, in a last attempt to stay awake and read, I made a cup of coffee and retreated to this very space here. I was typing something before I began reading, and guess what happened? My suave gracefulness bumped the coffee just enough for it to quickly land on it's side, in the direction of my iBook. I recently did a very dumb thing that required quick and clever action (though the "clever" actions were in response to not so clever blunders) so I was ready. I scooped up my iBook and swiftly swiped my mouse to the east, on my gray chair. I sprinted to the kitchen, grabbed a roll of paper towels and first took care of the bottom of my iBook, then my dripping mouse, then the rest of the not-so-significant desk items that were now saturated in coffee. After all the drama, and still with some coffee left, I tried to read and couldn't stop mentally laughing at myself, so I went to bed.

So one of the coffee saturated items mentioned above is yellow post-its. They are stained with coffee at the top, and I'm thinking of selling them. Starbucks would eat that up.

I'll read some documents now to replace my lack of that necessary studying last night.

[Dr. Lee Jong-wook (head of WHO) died]
Ahhh SanFrancine, thinking of WHO makes me think of PIH and when we get the lingo down (MDR!) we will revolutionize the healthcare industry. (Right....?!)

"When all of this around us falls, I'll tell you what we're gonna do. You will shelter me, my love. And I, I will shelter you."
Soulful Ray.

"You've missed out on something if you don't know He delights in you."
(friend referring to Psalms 18:19)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

do tell kelly, what was it that required quick and clever action? and who was the friend who reminded you to stop standing over the floor/counter holding a squirting milk carton?

10:54 PM  
Blogger kelly said...

Don't cry over burned milk.

1:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

paul farmer and PIH forever! :)

also once i was talking to lynn radigan about you and she was like, "you know what i love about kelly? she loves to learn. everything you teach her she just soaks up like a sponge" or something to that effect. so there's that :)

small group forever!

10:49 PM  
Blogger kelly said...

Francine, that is absolutely delightful, thank you for sharing that. Lynn is so sweet. Like you. Like ice cream. Speaking of which, remember Jess/Francine/Kelly ice cream date(s)? I think we should reinstate at least one for the summer.

12:11 AM  

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