
I am in favor of potted plants.

So here I am. It's funny thinking about what you should be working on, and not working on it. Funny in the not so funny way, which can be funny. Seems like most of the first bits of my blog entries are becoming more and more contradictory. I'm okay with that. It's not like carrot-cake makes a lot of sense but people seem to like that.

Note that if you ever have a river of junk flowing down the back of your esophagus, invest in some Delsym, found in your local grocer, or perhaps just Meijer. I know, I put that so eloquently that you can't help but be enthused about Delsym. Momma asked the pharmacist about it and the pharmacist recommended it along with Claritin + cough drops and I'm psyched about sleeping tonight. I have a good feeling about it, like it will happen successfully, no cough drop permanantly lodged to the roof of my mouth.

[note: what you feel and see is a story]
Truth, so grab a brain wave and make a mental post it.

I'd like to give a shout out to:
God, the gardener of my weeds, the garbage man of my trash (the recycler of my plastics),
the One who secures the only way I could ever be clean.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's funny that your title references a potted plant.

i was watching the colbert report tonight and madeleine albright said something like, "i felt i had to say something to his face since i criticize him so often in public. i couldn't just sit there like a potted plant." i thought it was really great of her.


10:33 PM  
Blogger kelly said...


That was great of her. I've tossed around the idea of using that same statement myself after reading this comment. Seriously, what a great reference.

More love,

12:15 AM  

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