
Take me down to Chinatown

Alan brought back gifts from China for me! Oh, it's amazing. There is this red clutch looking bag, and inside there is a smaller bag, and inside of that... an even smaller one! I sort of wonder if he knew about the smaller bags- because I didn't until I opened it. It's like a game. Quite similar to those wooden dolls that hide in the bigger one. Coming up with rules and stuff for a game that simple would be difficult but totally worth it. I won't go too far into detail about what else I got because I don't want to make you guys jealous (and you would be oh so jealous). Plus- descriptions never were my strongest suit. It's pretty much the Chinese New Year for me. Or Chinese Christmas. I guess I have some sort of placement in his brain as his most asian loving friend. Which is very likely.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't say that thing about the sadness. I blame Kelly.

That entry made me laugh so hard. Especially the hipball and the cookies from our childhood and your gradient cookies and Rachel's showtune. The showtune more than anything.

(Thank you for talking. and listening.)

11:35 AM  

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