

Donald Miller possibly over-uses the word "copious" in Blue Like Jazz. Perhaps that's just because it's not usually a common word but is becoming more so these days, so it sticks out to me. Really, you could say that anybody over-uses the word "the" or "is" but that's only because there isn't really any alternatives for those articles and well, "copious" isn't your only option for it's meaning. Fortunately it is a wonderful book so I'll be gracious and over look this matter...haha. I think the only reason that I noticed it so much already is because it seems to be catching on to everybody who's somebody's vocabulary. Keep your ear's open and listen..

I played night kickball tonight. Mashel, Austin, Duce, Jeremy, Marcus, Matt and I played from like 8:15-10:30, but it seemed like much longer. It got dark around 9 and the park guy who came didn't even kick us out. This has never happened to me before. So lucky us got to play night kickball. Sure, you couldn't really see the ball and sure, we got slaughtered, but that's no matter of great importance. The success is that we were able to play in the dark, and that I scored a few points for my team. Yeah, I may not be a great threat in the outfield but my kicking/running skills aren't that bad. After we got bored of that we moved on to the shelter where I was pelted in the arm by the ball (I risk my arm health for love of the game) and tap danced on the tables. Duce and I then bulldozer mound building raced. By that I mean, Duce and I sat on the mini-bulldozer toys and raced on which of us could make the bigger mound. Me, in all of my bulldozing glory, pulled off a win with my mound resembling the Rocky Mountains (really! that's how big it was!) and retreated into the night. I dropped off Mashel and Austin and made my way home listening to the victory music of Multi-sensory Aesthetic Experience (if you catch my drift) and reflected on my wonderful Saturday. If the park guy who let us play kickball is reading this than I extend a warm thank you and an offer to play in our next game-- we'll let you pitch!

I wish I could fully remember my favorite quote of the night said by Marcus. Something about the ball hitting him.

A rough quotage: "It would be fine. I'd just be a paraplegic. Then they'd build me a ramp for my wheelchair at graduation."

If you know Marcus you know it was delightfully funny. That kid could make me laugh forever and ever, probably because he always sounds so serious about trivial things and I don't understand for a second how his mind works. It's astonishing.

Well, that's all I can think of really. I'm off to read and then fall deep into sweet slumber. See you in the morning.

[edit] I forgot to add that I fell in love with an instrument at the Jars of Clay concert, probably the most common instrument.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kim: ::in best whisper voice possible:: KELLY...ARE YOU AWAKE...
Kelly: Yeah...are you?

::giggles:: ::lady in front of us gives Kelly a disapproving look:: ::lady in front of us moves::

:-) Thank you for coming

10:44 PM  

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