
Toledo to Tokyo

If you know me at all you had to know this post was coming eventually.
May 13th, Little Brother's. How sweet of them to come three days before my birthday. ...With Days Away? This is so excellent. I love how the guy from Days Away dances. So wonderful.

Did you know that the new Mae cd was so amazing? Did you know that it was like a book?

"Did you know how you would move us Did you know? Did you know how you would move me? Well, I don't even think so. But the moment's magic swept us away. And the stars, they seemed to paint the most elaborate scene to date.

How could we know? That song, this show. We'd learn so much about ourselves from Toledo to Tokyo. The words were scribed on every page ad now there's books up on our shelves."

"The sun was barely coming up. My heart was all but slowing down, but I could barely make out the sound. It was my personal symphony, striking the chords for only me. There was a coursing all through my veins. Another chance to get away. Oh!"

"Hey! What's the point in trying to get away? The neverending search to find escape is going to leave you cold."

It's never been more perfect being alive. I've never been so satisfied. Oh...

I could feel something different for the first time. Heaven made sense and all the words rhymed..."

"Hope. It's the light that strikes the burn inside of me. It's a blinding light but somehow I can see when I've lost my way. It's becoming very clear."

"Painted skies. I've seen so many that can not compare to your ocean eyes. The pictures you took that cover your room. And it was just like the sun, but more like the moon. A light that can reach it all."


Favorite song you ask? "We're So Far Away" without a doubt.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i didn't call you to go with you to get the mae cd. sorry.

i've had zero dollars to my name all of spring break.

well hopefully i'll get enough to get it soon.. and days away? i don't know if i can even comprehend this...

i hope your spring break was good.


9:45 PM  

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