If you could see it then you'd understand
Does anyone else share my love of good hoods? By hoods, I do not mean 'hoods, as in neighborhoods. Coat hoods, sweatshirt hoods, rain-jacket hoods, those types of hoods! I absolutely love a good hood, and a bad hood, though common, is useless. My yellow rain-jacket from H&M (ehh, spring 2004) has the best hood I've ever encountered. It covers my head completely and still has room left in case it slides back on my head a little. It is head shaped, so wearing it does not result in conehead appearance. The coat that I'm wearing now, also sports a decent hood. It does make me a conehead, but a warm one. It is big and lined in some polyester/rayon blend that has the look of SHEEP! Ha. Really though, there's a distinct difference between good and bad hoods. Too often such things are overlooked.
ITunes has a new version about every week. I was typing the above paragraph when I noticed my ITunes icon jumping up and down, notifying me of the latest and greatest way to experience music on my computer. Thank you, icon.
It was nice talking to Alan and Francine last night about college. Good perspectives from smart people.
I WENT TO HAUNTED PRISON ON SATURDAY NIGHT and about died. You think I'm exaggerating but I don't think the guy with the chainsaw chasing me down the prison corridor was kidding. All who went: Kim, Paige, Carl, Laura Y., Laura B., Tyler, Joe, Kelly, and Sonya. Chances are, I crushed several bones in Carl's hand. That boy is really there when you need a hand to squeeze ridiculously hard. It may have caused some physical damage but what's that compared to the emotional trauma I was experiencing, right? What with my near-death encounters and the like. Anyway, thanks Carl. Paige, Sonya, you girls didn't let me down. I can sew if you need sweatshirt repairs.

Me and Kim (Thinking of what lies ahead)

She was probably rapping. Laura Y. and Carl

Kelly and Kim!

It was good seeing Sonya. She was basically my emotional support.
I've been photo updating a lot. Just a means of procrastination? Hmmm...
ITunes has a new version about every week. I was typing the above paragraph when I noticed my ITunes icon jumping up and down, notifying me of the latest and greatest way to experience music on my computer. Thank you, icon.
It was nice talking to Alan and Francine last night about college. Good perspectives from smart people.
I WENT TO HAUNTED PRISON ON SATURDAY NIGHT and about died. You think I'm exaggerating but I don't think the guy with the chainsaw chasing me down the prison corridor was kidding. All who went: Kim, Paige, Carl, Laura Y., Laura B., Tyler, Joe, Kelly, and Sonya. Chances are, I crushed several bones in Carl's hand. That boy is really there when you need a hand to squeeze ridiculously hard. It may have caused some physical damage but what's that compared to the emotional trauma I was experiencing, right? What with my near-death encounters and the like. Anyway, thanks Carl. Paige, Sonya, you girls didn't let me down. I can sew if you need sweatshirt repairs.

Me and Kim (Thinking of what lies ahead)

She was probably rapping. Laura Y. and Carl

Kelly and Kim!

It was good seeing Sonya. She was basically my emotional support.
I've been photo updating a lot. Just a means of procrastination? Hmmm...
Sorry if I let you down when I got lost somewhere in the back with Kelly Mc chocking me by pulling on my shirt. But, if it makes you feel better, I don't think I have any hair left, and we should probably fix that soon.
hooded sweatshirts get it done.
i mean i was really great because i went first. i think someone should by me something?and i couldnt have done it without the help of my co-leader sonya. she needs a present too
love you
paige the greatest
The more I think about it, the more I never want to date you, for the sold reason of holding hands with you. Good luck to your future husband.
Nobody's ever crushed my hand that much. Not even when people are messing around and trying to have a real hard handshake.
Congratulations. I'm now scared of you.
Look at that, Carl, Kelly can't even insult you without laughing. Kinda like how she can't judge without smiling. Amateur.
Kim, clearly it was a "gotcha" ha. It was not a laugh it was an exclamation of me proving my point!
kelly, you make me grin often.
just fyi
Kelly, you make me grin equally as often. Well, I'm assuming equally. Probably? I just don't know what "often" means to you. It's relative I guess.
Wow. All I'm saying is back atcha.
kelly. good hoods are the best. i've definitely had more than one conversation about that with randoms. anyway, you're great. college will get better... it always does :)
francine, good thing you were the lucky 10th comment, i should probably get you a prize. [maybe i secretly wasn't updating until i got a tenth comment? probably not]
I'm glad we share a passion for good hoods. You're great.
Yah so I think every picture I have of Kelly.......she has a hood on.
But then again I realise that the only pictures I personaly have of Kelly are one from like Junior year when we had a big group going to some Skate thingy in Uptown.
Grant, listen up.
I think of you often, and wonder how you are doing. There is no way I could forget about you, and I know that I'm not the only one.
So tell me friend, when will you be home so we can hang out?
[We'll take pictures with hoods and everything.]
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