
Or just another day?

Math class today was very entertaining, which came as a surprise to me. Dan Boros accent continues to kill my heart and the only adjective I can think of for him is "cute," which doesn't really do him justice. He's just so Romanian and so nerdy in the coolest way possible. He used Baby Ruths as an example for something today and said, "Baby Ruth bars, fun size." I dare you to think of how that would be said in a Romanian accent. You'll crack up and love it. Just try. Okay, too far maybe.

I wanted to share this with you. Today I was sitting in Math going over my notes for the test and two girls walk in, Natalie and Becka. I don't know them, but they are both generally loud [not obnoxiously, literally volume] and sit in front of me so I feel like I do know them. The brief part of their conversation I overheard went something like this:

B: "I'm just so miserable--my cold won't go away and I don't feel like doing any of my work."
N: "Can I pray for you?" [In a really excited tone of voice]
B: "Yeah!"
N: "Okay, wait for me after class and we'll pray outside."

I felt like God was sitting in the classroom with me and smiling really big. I wonder who else heard the exchange. What if I wasn't a believer? What would I have thought? What did Becka think? What a big ripple effect a simple offer of prayer can cause.

It reminds me of this quote from East of Eden:

"The direction of a big act will warp history, but probably all acts do the same in their degree, down to a stone stepped over in the path or a breath caught at sight of a pretty girl or a fingernail nicked in the garden soil." (Steinbeck 34)

In other news, I'm a sucker for set theory, and heated discussions on it that cause Dan to say, "Okay, tone down the discussion now." You know you have a good teacher when the class is actively participating in an argument about the equality of the size of infinite sets regardless of what number they start with. After all, infinity always keeps going...

Unless you're Amanda or Joanna. Haha, they're so cute. "Well then I don't think infinite sets are well-defined!"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow that was probably the nerdiest entry I've ever seen. Silly goose. Remind me to tell you a story about "silly goose" that to protect the 4 and 5 year old boys involved, I can't explain on here. But it's worth retelling for sure.

10:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i <3 random awesome stories about christians! that one made me smile really big :)

11:16 AM  
Blogger kelly said...

Kim- yeah, it's pretty nerdy. Hhaa, I can't wait!

Francine- I know, isn't it great? I think it was such a big surprise to me because I don't hear such things often at Otterbein. Let's have ice cream soon, please!

1:29 PM  

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