

"I thought, How can I tell you about a land so beautiful in its enviornment and, more importantly, in its people and yet so tragically broken? It's hard to unpack. It's all wrinkled and smelly in my mind as I try to iron it out, clean it up and present it to you. I am hesitant to focus on the devastation of poverty. I fear that you will label Africans as victims or you will run and try to fix the problem yourself without considering the consequences of what happens when we are compulsively stirred by our need to immediately alleviate a problem. And I hesitate to focus on joy and richness that are rooted in the lives of so many in Africa because I fear you will hear that and justify their suffering with the "even though they have so little, they are so happy" statement and that you will make it an excuse for in our inaction."
-Jena Lee, "30 Days in Africa"

As I try to rough out two pages of this huge research paper I am too captivated by the stories of thereal.

Also, I can't stop thinking about pastor Kyle Lake. Keep his family and friends in your prayers.


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