
"I'm sorry. I only meant to scratch."

Tonight at 'Tuesday at the park!' I became Nature Queen Extraordinare. That's right, your eyes are not deceiving you, I lived harmoniously with nature (including the flitting gnats and ambitious ants) once I donned my head with a crown made of flowers. You know, the small grassy blossoms you make crowns for little girls out of. It's at the end of Possession, so naturally it has always been a goal of mine to be able to construct such a crown. For some reason the ability has always escaped me, but tonight I caught on and gripped tight. I knitted and knotted my tiara together with determination and placed it atop my head. Next I found a piece of coarse sticky grass to wedge between my thumbs and blew through them into cupped hands, creating an obnoxious sound similar to a duck in turmoil. As I was walking home, because 'I am quite fond of walking,' I discovered a perfect stick to hold while I walked. Strong enough that I could hit trees (love hits, not destructive hits) and leaves with it but not too strong that I had a natural disaster type effect on my surroundings. With each step I took down the street another car passed holding my dear park company in it, until I hit the scientific construct and they had all successfully retreated. I took small joy in my brisk walk by porches inhabited by 20-somethings, knowing they could spot my white flower crown that still adorned my brunette hair...I may be 19 years of age but maybe a [more weed-like] daisy chain does make me feel like I am beautiful.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i hope you write a book someday.

9:53 AM  
Blogger Kelly said...

sounds like you had fun! MAybe learned something too.

12:21 PM  
Blogger kelly said...

Kelly Mac- ;) [thanks]

Rural Writer- It seems I did!

3:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wierd [in a good way]
elizabeth made me a flower neckalace at the frisbee game and that day i tried to whistle with grass but failed.

11:27 PM  
Blogger kelly said...

I love Kathy. Also, don't blame yourself for the grass' faults. It all depends on how loud the grass is willing to shout, some refuse...

4:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In response to "I am quite fond of walking" all I have to say is, "Yes. Yes I know".

Kelly Young, you are an amazing person. I'm so glad to be able to be in your awesome prescene. I pray that you find enough time in the day to fulfill what your heart desires. I pray that you find peace from the restless worrying of Container Profection. And most importantly, I pray we soon visit Pasquale's and staple frescos to our thighs.

Loving you most Ardently


9:58 PM  
Blogger kelly said...

ANONYMOUS thank you for understanding my references. You are sweet as muffins and I love it/you.

3:48 PM  

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