
"Industry, industry!"

Actively listening and joining together in joyous wonderment of our Creator and His outrageous plans is one of the best gifts we can give one another, rest assured. I'm thankful for my roomate and the few moments of downright silly excitement we participated in yesterday, jumping up and down out of glee for the who-knows-what that the Lord is planning for us for each moment to the next. Standing under the multi-colored origami cranes hanging from my ceiling, our movements caused the paper birds to flutter, as though they too could not manage to remain still. Laura, each bird, and I-- we are all aglow for the weird uncomfortable life ahead.

Speaking of origami cranes, I gave a red one to Shane Claiborne, author of The Irresistible Revolution on Sunday night. It contrasted well with his homemade earth green toned clothing. What else can I say about Claiborne in Canton? It was just as it should have been. Thanks for the company and navigation, my Claiborne compadres. Splendid.

Speaking of Shane being splendid, another splendid stud was Sufjan Stevens in Grand Rapids, MI on Friday (I use "stud" for alliteration purposes. I was on a role and abruptly halted by my lack of suitable words beginning with an 's,' thus the use of "stud") Sufjan had more of an epic quality to his presentation, however, which I attribute to the banjo, his pure voice, and Annie Clark (St. Vincent), who provided the female back-up vocals and stunning bass stylings... Once a new friend from Michigan posts her photos on the old FB, I'll be sure to post them here. Anathallo did not play, the speculated reason because they filmed a DVD for Sufjan throughout the show. Band members of Anathallo and Psalters were walking around the Calvin College theater like it was a family reunion, and maybe it was in a way.

Georges Houssney last night at Perspectives was so revealing. His stories, too numerous to even begin to expound upon, looked me in the face like Jesus. Thank You God for teaching me through your passionate children.

Class and work filled my day, praise the Lord I have both! Tonight pre-homework time has consisted of walking around my neighborhood and admiring creation, Thai noodles from a package, finishing a recreational reading selection (Bessenecker, mentioned last post) and starting a new one. I'm going to post an excerpt, though I'm only about 7 pages in... I fear I won't get much further tonight. Dangarembga's Nervous Conditions is in dire need of finishing, along with some good analysis. Also, my Perspectives workbook needs a workout. I think I'm going to implement an intermission from those things with craft-time. Good thing you know what my evening consists of now.

Aforementioned excerpt:

"The community itself can easily become the reason for the existence of the community. That is, having paid a high price (it seems) for the blessing and peace that marks the community, the protection of all that has been gained can become the new (and false) telos of the community. If the life of the community is truly found in its always living toward the eschaton, then it is that future and not the community itself that is the life of the community."
Schools for Conversion: 12 Marks of a New Monasticism, edited by The Rutba House, this particular excerpt written by Jonathan R. Wilson.

In my detailed explanation of my night above, I forgot to mention doing the dishes. Off I go...


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