
"I have a theory that you die after the best night of your life." -Kim Sadler

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Kelly sporting a Kelly Young Tee
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Robby was insane last night.
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Kim and I! You can't really see her shirt...

So... on Friday night I rear-ended someone. And if you hang out at CT and are friends with certain few really cool people, they make t-shirts with pictures of you on them! Haha. Last time Carl got a ticket and so they made ones with him on it. This time around it was me. We took an awesome group photo. So hopefully someone who got a picture of it can upload it so I can have it. Wearers included Kim, Kelly, Sonya, Carl, and Alan. First it felt awkward like other people thought I made the shirts and passed them out or something (suggested by Kim). Then, I felt super special and loved. I mean really, those are awesome friends who will do that for ya.

Marcus- apartment living is good. I wish you would come see it sometime, hopefully after it gets a good cleaning. How come I never see you anymore? I hear you're a workin' fiend. Please call me because I never know when you're free. Or, I'll just call you when I'm not working and hope for the best? Sounds good to me.

G-ma and G-pa popped into town so I have to go over to the apt. and clean it up so they can see it.

Here's to hoping I get internet in the apt. soon! Word.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I mean, it wouldn't be fair to have a bad day and then die, would it?

I love you, don't die :-)

2:09 PM  
Blogger Michael said...

Hey Kelly, you've got some really rad photos here!

I found you by blog searching 'through painted deserts' and thought you might be interested to know that I just visited Imago Dei in Portland and vlogged about it here. Got to meet Don Miller himself :)


3:34 PM  
Blogger kelly said...

Thanks Michael- hardly rad compared to the photos and videos of your exploration of Portland, but since they do contain my friends (greatest people in the world) I guess they are pretty wonderful.

Thanks for giving me the url, I think I was tripping more over the fact that you got to meet Tony the Beat Poet than that you got to meet Don Miller. Not how it should have been, but I'd like to meet Johnny Depp more than Tim Burton so I guess that just happens, eh?

I noticed that even though you seem to get along with most everyone, remembering names isn't your specialty. Good thing mine's at the top of the page, no worries there. Haha, please continue enjoying your journey and sharing it with the rest of us.

4:47 PM  

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