(as there often is on the inside of a cupboard door)
I love that when you enter Blogger to post, it displays an ever changing list of just-updated blogs. The best part of this feature is that it shows blogs of all languages. When I just entered Blogger, a Hebrew blog had been updated and it looked pretty goofy. By goofy I mean, it [obviously] didn't look English. I just always think Hebrew looks goofy. I'm sure they feel the same of the English alphabet.
Once I can find a time block I'm going to be posting about two books I've just recently read. I'm a quote fiend, so any response I have will most likely be chalk full of my favorite collections of beautiful words sewn together.
I am looking to do a photo update soon. I haven't posted photos in awhile and I have many.
Last night before I went to bed, I put my curtains [or rather, strange, white, shade things? The kind I had when I was five...] up and watched the snow fall onto Main St. I love my room and I love that I face Main St. Looking out my window at night the Christmas lighted facades seem there for only my enjoyment. Rarely are there cars on Main St. at night, and since I face businesses that are closed until the next morning I bask in a rather un-traditional display of blue Christmas lights alone. I left my [curtains] up and when I awoke this morning I peered out onto the street into more snow. The delight discovered in both falling asleep and waking up to falling snow is immeasurably peaceful.
Christmas program tonight again with Kim. I hope to see you there.
[Oh, and, Sigur Ros is coming in Feb.?]
"Then his face went the wrong sort of shape as it does if you're trying to keep back your tears."
Once I can find a time block I'm going to be posting about two books I've just recently read. I'm a quote fiend, so any response I have will most likely be chalk full of my favorite collections of beautiful words sewn together.
I am looking to do a photo update soon. I haven't posted photos in awhile and I have many.
Last night before I went to bed, I put my curtains [or rather, strange, white, shade things? The kind I had when I was five...] up and watched the snow fall onto Main St. I love my room and I love that I face Main St. Looking out my window at night the Christmas lighted facades seem there for only my enjoyment. Rarely are there cars on Main St. at night, and since I face businesses that are closed until the next morning I bask in a rather un-traditional display of blue Christmas lights alone. I left my [curtains] up and when I awoke this morning I peered out onto the street into more snow. The delight discovered in both falling asleep and waking up to falling snow is immeasurably peaceful.
Christmas program tonight again with Kim. I hope to see you there.
[Oh, and, Sigur Ros is coming in Feb.?]
"Then his face went the wrong sort of shape as it does if you're trying to keep back your tears."
I'm pretty sure that was like a poem, all that stuff about the snow on Main St.
How's that myspace workin out for ya? ;-)
No, you're like a poem.
The myspace is experimental, and it's not working out in my favor so far. Interesting, though. Haha.
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