
Altogether lovely

Gary, Spencer, CiCi, John, and Margie are a mere few of the many homeless people I met last Saturday night. Their names are on my small white board on my window. I can't stop thinking about them, Gary in particular. Dearest Jackie and I drove to Columbus to help out with Fruit of the Vine. There's no way to say elegantly that everyone there drove through mud and muck, along railroad tracks, under bridges, and in general where one would normally get the feeling of "If there is anywhere I should be driving, it is not here" to welcome the homeless out of their hooches to give food, but more importantly, to listen and to love. I've never had a more terrifying and amazing experience all at once. I simply can't wait to return in following weeks. A question that kept coming forth in my mind as we were leaving was "How can I not come back?" Really, how on earth could I not return and continually meet these people, shake their rough, broken-in hands that quite honestly have a lot to teach me about faith and hope. We stood in that clearing (if it could be called that) by the railroad on our first stop and Gary told US about his faith, God's mercy, the bible. He just stood there like this meeting was nothing more than perfectly normal, between his stories sipping his beer whom he referred to as "his wife," and really shaking up my reality. I couldn't help but think how much God must have been smiling. The five or so of us talking to Gary might have showed him a little love, but he most certainly taught us about faith. Oh, Gary.

I am really enjoying my philosophy class. I'm so thankful to be out of my old class, it bothers me just thinking about it. I love that I have a class where I can just read an assigned reading, and come to class to do nothing other than think out loud.

Walking outside today was beautiful. Upon my return I received a text message from Kim stating that I should probably walk outside and enjoy the weather. She should really consider not following me.

I'm thoroughly irritated at the stamp price. I have so many 37cent stamps, and now I must invest in 2cent stamps to make up for the difference. How inconvenient can the postal service be? What I'm trying to say is I have to remember to get those 2centers before I mail things, otherwise the postman will not take them.

"Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant." Mark 10:43


Anonymous Anonymous said...

No I won't stop following you.

I'll use any excuse I can...

3:11 PM  
Blogger kelly said...

Grant, you're out there for a purpose, I know things will get better, or rather, your perspective on the situation will shift. (Praying for you because I know that's not fun)
I will.

Puffy, I love you.

12:55 AM  

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