
I hate titles.

This has been an interesting season for me. I've never worked so often in a week, much less the week before Christmas. I've started to notice how much less I feel like it is Christmas than normal. Upon further thought, I've decided this not all unfortunate, as Christmas is very commercialized and perhaps this commercialized Christmas is the one I've connected memories with, not the reason why this is a time for celebration. I've slowly made a false connection between spiritual wonders and the artificiality Christmas tends to be rooted in- red & green, lights, carols, wrapping paper, santa, etc. These things aren't necessarily harmful (though often they completely are), but I ought to feel the same about Christmas with or without them. They need not be essential to my awe of the savior's birth and the purpose born in him, for us.

I hate for this to be a standard Christian-remembering-the-reason-for-the-season revelation. Mostly, because I hate that these things are regular occurrences. I realize it is fairly normal this time of year to stumble upon a moment of clarity where the meaning that the existence of Jesus bears pushes its way to the front of one's mind, only to retreat hours later when gifts are in need of wrapping, and hey--Macy's is having a two-hour sale!, but remember that "giving" stands independently, not coupled with "getting" like salt and pepper. Giving also does not require extravagances. We are not called to raise money to buy the biggest, best and most beautiful to then turn over into the hands of someone other than ourselves, but to give what we do have to those who do not have.

There is always grace, an extension of love. If you have nothing else to offer this season, I assure you it is one of the best gifts, though sometimes the hardest to give. But we must-- as it was lavished upon us, and trusted with us.



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