New things and old things and nothing like that
OSU suits me. I do not miss Otterbein a single bit, and only wish I could tell the people there what they are missing. What I forget is that OSU is not for everyone either. I'm just not used to a school fitting, for the most part, and am too quick to think everyone else is in the same boat. They are not, however, and I have to let them be.
Blankets by Craig Thompson is painfully wonderful so far. I think I will be writing a paper and doing a presentation on it in a week or two. I have more on my plate than is currently desirable.
Beowulf bugs me less than it used to, but I still hate Chaucer with most of me. I can't say I will get it all read by tomorrow's lecture. I really hate getting behind on readings for King's class though. I love watching him. He is so intelligent and passionate. I just wish he would slow down because these things aren't second nature to me. He's rambling about content and I can't even find what line we are talking about.
The Irresistible Revolution... by.. Sean Claiborne? I may have made that name up. Something like that. Read it and let the ideas and heart behind it all change you, let Jesus in so he can seriously mess things up.
Also, Reading Lolita In Tehran is going slowly, because I want to research every bit of detail Azar Nafisi discusses. So, until I emerge from British Literature, it is on the back burner.
I just want to do crafts now. I don't want to read, I want to make things for people.
Tick tock.