

Thursday, July 14, 2005

"Olders and Youngers

There is an obvious distance in the lives of many olders and youngers who are Christ followers. Some of this is just age, some of this is culture and some of it is sin. There are very few olders who are taking the initiative to really "teach faithful men" who will pass the message of the gospel on to other faithful men. At the same time there is much cynicsm coming from youngers, which, to be honest seems to lack kindness and self-control that mark the fruits of the Spirit. Yes, there is a time for confrontation, yes there is time where rebuke is the most loving thing to give, but I'm afraid we justify slander all too often through this.

This from Christi Avant in Baptist Press news, she helps a church in NYC, funded by SBC churches, to reach out to the artistic community there.

“I have caught a dangerous trend arising in my generation, which "loves Christ but not the church."

Not all of this is our fault. We are crying out for our elders to step back and allow us to step up. We are crying out for them to fund relevant college ministries even though most of us cannot drop as much as they can in the offering plate.

However, we are crying out immaturely, like a 2-year-old throwing a tantrum in a grocery store.

Abandoning or "taking a break from" church is neither the right thing to do, nor is it any kind of solution to the problem.”

We need more stories like that of Rick at our church who joined a band just to get involved with younger's lives. Or of a group of men who meet weekly with a bunch of guys. This kind of relationship is all too often lacking, in our church and probably most others. We need the youngers to sit and converse with these olders also. I need to."
-Dan Price

Last year's HSLT worship leader. Don't know if he is this year or not.
Since I couldn't make it this year I thought I'd immerse myself in the thoughts of HSLT-esque people.

Hopefully it's not creepy that I read the blog, but I liked this.


The Rocket Summer

Back and forth side to side oh my dear
My foot to the floor I will drive to the place
Where I can kick it with friends through the night
A place well talk about now and the past what the future holds
Hanging out with not much to do
Just aimless with each other is what we do

Cause this ain’t where it’s at
My friends will second that
And I gotta admit sometimes it’s pretty sad
But its like we're our own brat pack
Were always kicking back nobody can take that
That is that it’s like its all we have

Whooo whooo ya oh come on

Say oh oh get on the floor
Dance till you got no more
I know its there somewhere
Don’t worry ill be there to rock the party all night
To rock into this night our fists in the air
Fighting a good fight

So maybe later today I'll know
What I will do with my life as I know it
Maybe for now ill drive back to that place where I belong
And hope to God it hasn’t changed


Life's been crazy

A few things since last update:

In the middle of a three car collision (imagine a ping pong ball bouncing back and forth) friday night. Lots of ambulances and policemen. We're okay.

Duce is an eagle scout officially now. Mashel and I were really proud of him. Mashel said it was like she was his mom or something. Speaking of his mom- his mom is really nice and I met her for the first time. Awesomeness runs in the family.

Lovedrug/Mae was ridiculously good. Dare I say Lovedrug was better? I've seen Mae three for four times and it wasn't their best performance, ya know? Lovedrug blew me away.

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory today. Amazing.

Tonight? Gathering of Mashel, Duce, Austin, Jeremy, and myself. Marcus can't come.



My Tiffany's gift from Aunt Ellen

Post dedicated to Alex Talks

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The first pic didn't work out so hot. I can't take pictures of my neck. That was actually the best one. Most other's missed the necklace and had more face. The earrings are H&M and very much not Tiffany's. Haha.

Secret Tunnels and bridges

Last Monday ish.
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the girl vs. the cynic...

I made puppy chow again today. I didn't make it as well. I think it's 'cause I used Crispix and not Chex. The ratio of rice cereal to chocolate/peanut butter was probably off. Yeah, definitely.

I'm unhappy today for various/NO reasons at all. Really, I can't figure it out.

Well, I guess I can. Part of it is because I'm not going to LT. I know I will get a lot done during this next week and it's probably for the best that I didn't sign up, but I can't help but be bummed. Hopefully it's a good week for everyone.

+ I get to see Mae at Little Brother's on Saturday with Lovedrug.
+ I get to hang out with my Mashel, Jeremy, and Duce lots.
+ Hopefully I get better at making puppy chow?
+ Maybe Ian's room will be completely done at the end of the week.
+ Painting the apartment

I'm reading Mountains Beyond Mountains for Otterbein. It's our common book and I have to write a paper on it due New Student Weekend. Hmm, looks like a good book anyway. Got my schedule and it looks okay. I still can't decide if I should take Japanese or a class on the Old Testament. Hmm. Hopefully I'll figure it out, right?

Tomorrow night is Harry Potter night. This is good.



Take me down to Chinatown

Alan brought back gifts from China for me! Oh, it's amazing. There is this red clutch looking bag, and inside there is a smaller bag, and inside of that... an even smaller one! I sort of wonder if he knew about the smaller bags- because I didn't until I opened it. It's like a game. Quite similar to those wooden dolls that hide in the bigger one. Coming up with rules and stuff for a game that simple would be difficult but totally worth it. I won't go too far into detail about what else I got because I don't want to make you guys jealous (and you would be oh so jealous). Plus- descriptions never were my strongest suit. It's pretty much the Chinese New Year for me. Or Chinese Christmas. I guess I have some sort of placement in his brain as his most asian loving friend. Which is very likely.

Let the people see your pretty face

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Pull the hair back from your eyes
Let the people see your pretty face
You know they like it when you smile
[Find a reason to smile]
Try not to focus on yourself
Share that love with someone else
Don't let the bitters bring you down
Don't let anything bring you down

Michael Tolcher- Sooner or Later

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We all matched in Old Navy sandals. I would try and make it a club (who doesn't want to be in a sandal club?) but it wouldn't be hard to get in seeing as everyone and their brother have Old Navy sandals. There you have the reasoning for my decision to channel my efforts and energy elsewhere.


Kim/Kelly/Megan call me Betty

We had ice cream then listened to the Betty song.

Betty won’t stop listening to modern rock
How she hates to be alone
I try to compensate her lack of love with coffee cake
Ice cream and a bottle of ten dollar wine she says hey
I rock the Haro sport
I rock the cow girl blues
I rock too fast for love I’m footloose in my Velcro shoes
What’s up with Will and Grace?
I don’t get drum and bass
The future freaks me out
-Motion City Sountrack - The Future Freaks Me Out

Can we go see the dinosaurs?

Will you share your life with me
For the next ten minutes?
For the next ten minutes:
We can handle that.
We could watch the waves,
We could watch the sky,
Or just sit and wait
As the time ticks by,
And if we make it 'til then,
Can I ask you again
For another ten?

Washington Square Park

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I was secretly wishing that I would run into Jess Mariano (Milo Ventimigila [sp?]) reading on a bench while visiting this lovely park. Call me pathetic, but how wonderful would that have been? Speaking of Jess, I got the third season of Gilmore Girls for my birthday and I love the Jess and Rory antics. It's safe to say that no one fixes a sprinkler like Jess.


Jersey Family Update

Hmm, I don't really have more time to upload city pictures but here are some of my family in New Jersey. I'll do another pic update with city shots soon.

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Emily and I

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Erin eating pizza

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Rachel and Aunt Ellen. Megan's little head is in the background.

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Two front sides on a car during the 4th of July parade. You should've seen it driving. It was crazy.

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Grandpa walking with the squad in the parade!

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Grandpa giving the little ones stickers

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Aunt Ellen, Megan, Aunt Elysa

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Molly and Sam

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Me and Alyssa

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Rachel and I (Rachel drove with me to Jersey, fellow westervillian)

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Alyssa and Erin

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Emily and I in Molly's room

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Molly being awesome and cute

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Erin likes computer games

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Erin watching Emily brush her American Girl doll's hair in Molly's room

More later!
(It's good to be home)


Found these in my room

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My mom was/is gorgeous