
Or just another day?

Math class today was very entertaining, which came as a surprise to me. Dan Boros accent continues to kill my heart and the only adjective I can think of for him is "cute," which doesn't really do him justice. He's just so Romanian and so nerdy in the coolest way possible. He used Baby Ruths as an example for something today and said, "Baby Ruth bars, fun size." I dare you to think of how that would be said in a Romanian accent. You'll crack up and love it. Just try. Okay, too far maybe.

I wanted to share this with you. Today I was sitting in Math going over my notes for the test and two girls walk in, Natalie and Becka. I don't know them, but they are both generally loud [not obnoxiously, literally volume] and sit in front of me so I feel like I do know them. The brief part of their conversation I overheard went something like this:

B: "I'm just so miserable--my cold won't go away and I don't feel like doing any of my work."
N: "Can I pray for you?" [In a really excited tone of voice]
B: "Yeah!"
N: "Okay, wait for me after class and we'll pray outside."

I felt like God was sitting in the classroom with me and smiling really big. I wonder who else heard the exchange. What if I wasn't a believer? What would I have thought? What did Becka think? What a big ripple effect a simple offer of prayer can cause.

It reminds me of this quote from East of Eden:

"The direction of a big act will warp history, but probably all acts do the same in their degree, down to a stone stepped over in the path or a breath caught at sight of a pretty girl or a fingernail nicked in the garden soil." (Steinbeck 34)

In other news, I'm a sucker for set theory, and heated discussions on it that cause Dan to say, "Okay, tone down the discussion now." You know you have a good teacher when the class is actively participating in an argument about the equality of the size of infinite sets regardless of what number they start with. After all, infinity always keeps going...

Unless you're Amanda or Joanna. Haha, they're so cute. "Well then I don't think infinite sets are well-defined!"


Plunging Into The Everyday Chaos of Nature

I am incapable of writing on Saturdays. Do you have a day like this? I devoted a little of my morning, my entire afternoon, and arguably part of my evening to a ridiculous paper on Nickel and Dimed by Barbara Ehrenreich. Good book, she has a great sense of humor, but oh man. Saturday is just not my writing day. It probably doesn't help that for most of my writing life (writing life= writing assignments for school) I've written at night and on weekdays. Apparently it's developed into a habit, but more than that. I couldn't even form complete thoughts about this book around noon today [and it's not because I was hungry] much less written thoughts that Margaret would like. Well, I guess the point of this was to not complain. I just need feedback. Do you have a day when you can't write? Not a day happened upon--a scheduled, weekly day? Is that even normal?

On Tuesday night I went to the theatre in the Campus Center to see Arian's workshop. The point is that they sang songs from The Last Five Years. It was a collection of love songs by Jason Robert Brown. I wasn't even expecting it, and the surprise resulted in pure joy.

H&M opened and it was amazing. I still can't believe we have one in Ohio.

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You judge whether I found enough quote support or not.

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Taking pictures at a red light before our H&M visit!

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A time to be celebrated and remembered.

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Haha. The bathtub in David Meyer's art gallery bathroom? It's just the cutest little bathroom with this square tub.

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A game.

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Midnight Madness. [More like, ten o'clock madness. People are no fun.]

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Where's Waldo but with Mashel.

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Where's Mashel?

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Stephan was delivering pizzas and I got to see him the first time since graduation!

Tomorrow is Sunday and thank God for it. I'm really looking forward to seeing Proof with Gwenyth Paltrow and Jake Gyllenhaal with Mashel.

Good News: Our washer is being delivered on Wednesday so my mom won't have to go to Aunt Kathy's to do laundry! Praise Jesus.

Mom, Aunt Kathy, and Kim are the greatest. They all brought me food, love, and cheer when I was not happy and trying to write my paper.

Talk to you soon.


If you could see it then you'd understand

Does anyone else share my love of good hoods? By hoods, I do not mean 'hoods, as in neighborhoods. Coat hoods, sweatshirt hoods, rain-jacket hoods, those types of hoods! I absolutely love a good hood, and a bad hood, though common, is useless. My yellow rain-jacket from H&M (ehh, spring 2004) has the best hood I've ever encountered. It covers my head completely and still has room left in case it slides back on my head a little. It is head shaped, so wearing it does not result in conehead appearance. The coat that I'm wearing now, also sports a decent hood. It does make me a conehead, but a warm one. It is big and lined in some polyester/rayon blend that has the look of SHEEP! Ha. Really though, there's a distinct difference between good and bad hoods. Too often such things are overlooked.

ITunes has a new version about every week. I was typing the above paragraph when I noticed my ITunes icon jumping up and down, notifying me of the latest and greatest way to experience music on my computer. Thank you, icon.

It was nice talking to Alan and Francine last night about college. Good perspectives from smart people.

I WENT TO HAUNTED PRISON ON SATURDAY NIGHT and about died. You think I'm exaggerating but I don't think the guy with the chainsaw chasing me down the prison corridor was kidding. All who went: Kim, Paige, Carl, Laura Y., Laura B., Tyler, Joe, Kelly, and Sonya. Chances are, I crushed several bones in Carl's hand. That boy is really there when you need a hand to squeeze ridiculously hard. It may have caused some physical damage but what's that compared to the emotional trauma I was experiencing, right? What with my near-death encounters and the like. Anyway, thanks Carl. Paige, Sonya, you girls didn't let me down. I can sew if you need sweatshirt repairs.

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Me and Kim (Thinking of what lies ahead)

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She was probably rapping. Laura Y. and Carl

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Kelly and Kim!

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It was good seeing Sonya. She was basically my emotional support.

I've been photo updating a lot. Just a means of procrastination? Hmmm...


If the Sky's Gonna Fall Down, Let it Fall on Me

The photos I want to post are piling up. I'm in another photo season in my life. Or perhaps it is just the weather season. Autumn is my favorite. There are no excuses to not take millions of pictures in Autumn.

These aren't all that autumny.

On the way home from church last Sunday, the sky was beautiful. Now, obviously the last is edited, but I couldn't help but contrast.

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School is so hard these days. I'm getting really discouraged. It has a lot to do with not only being bombarded with work, but because I don't really have time to see anyone. Someone I was talking to last night told me it didn't matter that I don't have friends at Otterbein, because I live in my hometown and I still have all my old friends. Well, I disagree. Friendly faces are really helpful. It's really discouraging to me to not really know anyone. I say this not to complain, but to explain. I want to see all of you guys as often as possible, but with all of my work I'm finding it very difficult to do so. I don't even see my best friend and roomate and we live together. Advice is welcomed.

I really love Sundays.


Pumpkin Picking Pictures as Promised

How's that for alliteration.

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Michelle's tough. Especially when she listens to rap music.

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We stopped at a cute little store on the way to Lynd's to buy candy cigarettes! $0.15 a box.

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We picked the outcasted, forgotten pumpkin section. Most were sickly and gross, but we found some good ones.

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Michelle, Austin, Duce. Hangin' out.

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Good thing Austin found a pumpkin bigger than his head.

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I name my pumpkin Milo and we share a moment for the camera.

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My pumpkin has gone through a lot. Knife fights and such.

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Hugging them and keeping them safe for the ride home.

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Good thing we got more Apple Cider, huh?

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Milo and Harrietta back at the apartment.

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Austin and Duce never did take their pumpkins home.

You should always pick pumpkins at Lynd's in the fall. Always.


Imagine with me

Lovedrug has played with Hanson.


Emily Scott is probably the only one who feels me here.


Harvest Block Party

Wooo, fun pictures! Soon to come: Pumpking picking photos!

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This boy was intense. If there were a single word to describe him, that would be it. He ran around like a crazy man jumping and flying as you see here. He was also pretty cute.

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Kim thinks sometimes.

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And gets things stuck in her teeth?

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And is cute.

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Who knows?

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Megan and Aiden!

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I dare you to not fall in love with that face. Impossible.

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Aiden is like Superman or something. I mean, he never said, "Look at me, I'm Superman," but I'm pretty sure he was thinking it.

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Loving the pumpkin.

I wish I had pictures of face painting! It was so much fun. The cutest little kids wanted pumpkins on their faces, flowers, flags, leaves, and hearts! What little cuties. Painting faces was also fun because Kim was there with me. As well as the Coskos! Yes, Mr. and Mrs. Cosko were randomly there and being awesome. We talked about Otterbein and things. They're nice.

I'd like to go to bed now.

Oh, dear.

I am picking up my room. And just found an OLD NAVY STICKER on the cardigan I wore this morning to church.

Let's talk about how awkward I feel about this.

Why didn't you tell me?
[you=all of you]

Hahaha. That's really funny, God.

daisy let it go

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Outside of Penn

"Dear God,
Surround me as I speak,
The bridges that I walk across are weak
Frustrations fill the void that I can't solely bare"

My heavenly...



You should know that Paul Farmer is working in Rwanda now as well.

I'm in the library and I have no idea what to use as the topic of my research paper.

Stuff is hard.


Japanese Night with Mashel, Kim, Megan, and Sonya

Firstly I need to show you a funny picture just to illustrate my obsession with Apples. I probably eat five a day. I usually have one walking to class and then a couple while I'm just here. The other day I ran home to get more and later when I needed to use the bag I brought them back in.. needed to unload them quickly so I could run to class. I came home to this and laughed.

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A few Apples. This picture could also be an ISPY. What with the random little hammer and such.

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It all started when Kim's feet were cold and she didn't have socks. Without notice she walked into the bathroom and turned on the hot water and stood in it. She didn't realize that she didn't have a towel so she walked to the Kitchen to get paper towels and proceeded to make shoes out of them.

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Mashel helped.

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Megan watches!

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Now that the shoes are assembled, it's time to decorate them. Mashel takes on that task.

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Kim eagerly awaits the green shoe designs. And looks really cute.

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The finished product. And I think that's green hair growing on Kim's leg? Or... Mashel designed outside of the lines? Hmm

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Shoo, wasSUP grrl. Kim sports her new kicks while looking amazing. Haha. Classic picture!

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Megan is a good hairdresser and cut basically everyone's hair that night.

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I think at this point I was frazzled with the hyperness and new shoes and thinking "What is going on?"

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Kim with Kelly bangs.

I promise it was a Japanese night. All of the sushi/japanese orange pop/stuff is on Mashel's camera. This is post oriental, you see?

Great night. You're probably thinking to yourself, if Sonya was there, why aren't there any pictures of her? Because you've been waiting for them ever since I said she was here that night. Well, the answer to that is, she came later. I promise I'll have pictures of her on here soon, from Kim's bday party.

Oh, girls.