

I caught this morning morning’s minion, king-
dom of daylight’s dauphin, dapple-dawn-drawn Falcon, in his riding
Of the rolling level underneath him steady air, and striding
High there, how he rung upon the rein of a wimpling wing
In his ecstasy! then off, off forth on swing,
As a skate’s heel sweeps smooth on a bow-bend: the hurl and gliding
Rebuffed the big wind. My heart in hiding
Stirred for a bird,—the achieve of; the mastery of the thing!

Brute beauty and valour and act, oh, air, pride, plume, here
Buckle! AND the fire that breaks from thee then, a billion
Times told lovelier, more dangerous, O my chevalier!

No wonder of it: shéer plód makes plough down sillion
Shine, and blue-bleak embers, ah my dear,
Fall, gall themselves, and gash gold-vermillion.
Gerard Manley Hopkins, "The Windhover"

The most beautiful of all poems, my favorite.

As the night fell, I heard church bells

I feel a little late on it- but I'm getting my wisdom teeth taken out tomorrow. I must say, though many have gone before me I am worried and nervous. Just FYI, I won't be staying at the apartment for a couple days, I will be home. Home is five minutes away, so if you need me I won't be far, haha.

Hopefully I get a lot of laundry and reading done. That's exciting. Jackie and I were talking about things we want to do yesterday and "read at least a book a week" was one of them. I'm excited. Let's do this, folks. There are so many good things worth reading and not a whole lot of time to read them all.

[Prayer request: Mom mentioned me going to Boston and working for Partners In Health when I finish school the other day. How does she know what a dream that is. What am I doing at Otterbein and if I leave where should I go. Patience seems far from me.]

Paul Farmer, Zamni Lasante, and P.I.H. was featured in Time and U.S. News and World Report recently. I have both if you're interested.

Play the piano for me.


No day but today

God's overwhelming grace took hold of a stomach twisting situation tonight, and I was so in love.


Say Hello, Wave Goodbye

Fall has been nice.
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Around ten thirty in the morning my windows look like this with the pull down white "curtains" shut. I woke up to it this morning [Incredibly late for me]
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I kid you not.

This is what I came home to.

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If you ever needed a reason as to why my mom is so amazing, these pictures should do the trick.

[Pictured: Storm tracker]


Clumsy me

As this page was opening, I spilled coffee on my jeans. I've been running into all sorts of doors and walls lately. I really do radiate a whole new level of clumsiness. It seems to have progressed over the years, skipping my graceful spell (I've broken almost all of my toes, and then for awhile I didn't run into anything). I am now back to being close friends with anything big and solid and immobile. Don't worry, I have health insurance.

So, tell me friend, does weather affect joints? I know when it rains or a cold front is coming in, I get a headache. What I'm experiencing now is a knee-ache. The melancholy weather seems to be causing my right knee some trouble. I get that I sound like an old woman here, but I'm serious. I was walking up the stairs to my apartment thinking, "This is it. My knee is going to give out right here in the hallway, and since our neighbor hasn't been home a lot lately, I'm going to rot until Mashel comes home from work." Well, that's a little exaggerated, but I was worried that I would experience some sort of blow out, my knee going on strike and refusing to operate again. And I'll tell you what, nothing has changed much since then.


INST problem articulation and abstract of Research paper
MATH Research Paper
INST Research paper revisions, lots of them, all over

I'm pretty good at the whole survival thing, so I think I'll make it through finals.

Kierkegaard seems to be making his way into everyone's life lately.

Hey Kim/Carl, thanks for the peanut buttery goodness. Carl for baking, and Kim for bringing me some.

Last night at Vineyard an elderly woman walked Mashel and me to Mashel's car in the monsoon under her umbrella. Which makes me think of an Incubus song, but not the point. She was sweet, and Mashel decided she wants to be like that when she's older. I do too. I should probably start an umbrella service, you know. How lovely.

Oh yes, Natalie was at the worship service last night. Natalie from my math class. She's a ball of energy, and I wonder where it's all stored. Hmm, reminded of a quote just then, let me find it. Haha, okay, found it. The beginning doesn't really pertain to her. Wow. I'll type it in its entirety for humors sake. It's funny:

"The level of hormonal change and energy in that single room could probably be bottled, compressed, and used to launch a space shuttle." Kyle Lake, [re]Understanding Prayer

Said of an eighth grade dance. I guess the point is, Natalie's energy could be bottled, compressed, and used to launch a space shuttle.

Since I'm procrastinating with the best of them, I should probably read now.


I've never known a love so true.

An answered prayer and a new reason to pray.

P.s. Have you read:

Brothers and Keepers by John Edgar Wideman?

I'm not sure if I should read it because there are too many books to read and I can't fit them into one lifetime, I should probably be selective. I orginally got it because we were going to study it in INST, but we never got to it. What I'm thinking is, if Margaret thought it was important and relevant to our studies, it's probably good. I say this only because I enjoyed the other books we read, minus the repetition of Shipler. I'll give him slack though, hard not to have repetition in research.

I would appreciate any comments or advice. I would encourage any comments or advice.

I'm reading [re]Understanding Prayer by Kyle Lake. Once I have some sufficient reviews I'll post them, if you're interested.



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Turned in draft.


Betty won't stop listening to modern rock.

Coming to the end of writing this slow and clean rough draft is like the end of a road trip you've been forced on. It's not the kind with people you love, good music, and the appreciation of good conversation and the world around you. It's the kind when you're ten, you fight with your brother, draw a line down the middle of the seat and he crosses it. It's the kind when you're thirteen and don't get along with your family. It's the last hour of that stupid trip, the end is so close and yet so far. You've traveled and made progress and you've crossed the Jersey state line, but you still have to make it to Grandma's.

I just can't wait until tonight when I go to bed. It will be the best sleep I've ever gotten.

The plan was good. The plan was really good. Write two pages a day and by the due date you'll have the amount needed. Until you have so much information that you've written two pages a day everyday and you still have half of your information to convey. Until you realize you're going to write three more pages than needed and you have to add five sources to your annotated bibliography and you have to do it all now. Usually not bad, not in the least. This is not usually though. This is every-page-takes-a-little-more-of-my-soul.

Wow, hindsight. In the future, I will scratch honors and take a service learning class. Then I could be camping out in front of Towers with my classmates protesting homeslessness, and serving in soup kitchens. WORD.

[Man. When Dan gets going on a mathematical proof, he just keeps on trucking. It usually begins with, "This is off topic, but I can't resist!" When Dan says that, we know we'll be "off topic" for a while. Not even current movies off-topic, but MATH off topic. What a fun Romanian math nerd.]


Rain or Shine

I'm honored to announce that GRANT POWERS has a blog and loves Jesus. He's been rockin' the Jesus love for awhile but the blog is new so check it out.


Leave him comments and things because comments generally make people feel special.

I still haven't updated about the craft fair.
I still have some more pictures I'd like to post.
I'm on page nine of my research paper.
I do acrobatics sometimes with Kim and Kelly.

Good night, sleep tight.

[It was about time I got rid of that old picture with the circles under my eyes... eek. What I'm saying is: New user photo!]

Dance, dance!

Naturally, when you feel oppressed by an authoratative power above you, you cling to their praises and pine after their approvement. Okay, I guess more than often rebellion is the first reaction, but not if you admire the person in charge.

I got discouraged working on my research paper.

So I read Margaret's response to my only 8/8 problem articulation.

The only upside to a discouraging professor is that when you do well in her eyes, you feel like a bloody genius.

That said, I've got writing to do.


In time the seasons change

It's a good thing I have the best God and the best mom.

Want to see the candied cranberries she made today? (I know, who makes those?)

I'm too much of a simple eater/wuss to enjoy them, but I liked watching her enjoy them.

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She's going to make it to the food channel one day.

Today I had thoughts that in turn made me think of something I had written in the back of my bible during a church service a couple months ago. I think it was a song that I had never heard, and I haven't heard it since then. Here it what it says:

"Here we stand, at a crossroads again
Like you said, in time the seasons change"

This is where I am.

You know

How about these frequent spasticly (sp?) short updates I'm keen on lately. Yeah. How 'bout 'em.

So this morning I ate so much pineapple I probably broke a record. The kind of record in the Guiness Book of World Records. That's the ridiculous amount of pineapple I ate. I feel like a pineapple. Oh no, it must have had some chemicals in it, and now I'm turning into one? This is just great.

Aaah, I went alone to church today and most were gone on the retreat still. Turns out Adra and her friend needed a seat and the nice usher brought them right to my side. Aunt Denise and Peter were supposed to be there so I search all over and found not one Aunt Denise or Peter. I saw Kirsten, that was fun. She's a nice gal and better come see the apartment soon. I may or may not have seen some other person, and I definitely saw retreat kids when they got back. I missed Kim somehow though. Figures, doesn't it? Well, I got to see Emily Scott! I also got to see Josh, Andrew, Ryan, Alan, and Micah. I don't get to see anybody tonight, no cross trainers. This is probably for the best because I have a math midterm tomorrow (Dan's lost his mind) and I have to write two more pages to my dreaded research paper.

Last week I did an assignment wrong and I was so mad I about lied to my professor so I could make up for half of my mistakes. Well, God was all, "Kelly, don't be that girl who is so obsessed with her grades that she lies to her professor" so I said, "Okay, God." Then my stomach got terribly sick feeling and I explained to Margaret and she said, "That's fine just email it to me."

THIS is in no way typical of this lady and God totally twisted reality for me there. Thanks, God, I owe ya one. Or a trillion.

Well I'm going to take my dirty clothes and my apple to my house to talk to my mom and do an obscene amount of laundry.

Be good for me.


Be Still My Heart

I'm in love with Jars of Clay, Redemption Songs.

Great cd, so, classic.

I'm basically overdosing on Jars of Clay lately. What with this research project and Blood:Water Mission as a studied organization.

Speaking of which, head on over to www.bloodwatermission.org for me, you won't regret it.

Next time I post I'll tell you about the Fair Trade craft show. For now it's time to sleep.

I miss my home and I want my mom. And Dad to cut me up some cantelope. And Chris to just be there and make everything fun like he does.


"I thought, How can I tell you about a land so beautiful in its enviornment and, more importantly, in its people and yet so tragically broken? It's hard to unpack. It's all wrinkled and smelly in my mind as I try to iron it out, clean it up and present it to you. I am hesitant to focus on the devastation of poverty. I fear that you will label Africans as victims or you will run and try to fix the problem yourself without considering the consequences of what happens when we are compulsively stirred by our need to immediately alleviate a problem. And I hesitate to focus on joy and richness that are rooted in the lives of so many in Africa because I fear you will hear that and justify their suffering with the "even though they have so little, they are so happy" statement and that you will make it an excuse for in our inaction."
-Jena Lee, "30 Days in Africa"

As I try to rough out two pages of this huge research paper I am too captivated by the stories of thereal.

Also, I can't stop thinking about pastor Kyle Lake. Keep his family and friends in your prayers.


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Im hungry.

Good thing 28UP is the best documentary ever.

Good thing last night I cleaned a ton and now my room is good looking.

Good thing I have a lot of chocolate and some Earl Grey.

Good thing my research topic is a little more narrow.

Good thing Chris Martin never lets me down.

Good thing.