

"frooties" will probably be the death of my entire web class.

Really though.

Yesterday we probably consumed into the millions of frooties and we were all sad in the end. We suffered everthing from hyperactivity/sleepiness/and sad stomachs. I personally was sucked into hyperactivity and was bouncing off the walls and laughing uncontrollably.

My advice? Don't eat mass amounts of frooties. Actually, don't even start because you won't be able to stop.

Mr. Samanich: "Frooties are like crack. They take control of your body. We are all eating crack."

Stephan: "Frooties are the fruit of my life, I live by the Frootie."

See. It's an addiction.


I will not worry about tomorrow or all of its questions

Seeing some people really encourages me. Not even talking to them always but just seeing them. Most of them attend CT, it helps me through the week.

I'm starting to look more and more like myself everyday and it's such a blessing. I recognize myself in the mirror more and today had more energy than I have had in quite a while. Praises for that.

Prayer request guys? A new issue has come up that I'm very worried about. Since they watch my blood so closely it can't be the worst of circumstances I'm hoping. Let's pray that it's just an annoying bump in the road. I'm scared like I can't explain.

Today I made a slideshow with Kelly, Kim, Carl, Laura, and Joe. It was a lot of fun. People do some stupid things when they wake up...

Off to bed

She plays guitar with her fingertips

On the plane step up with both my feet
Riding in seat number 3 on a flight to NYC
Got my bean in a coffee cup next to my seat
Catch the view and another good book to read
Sending me home on the friendly skies


Make sure every hint of sarcasm is duly noted

I am absolutely thrilled that apparently sometime over the weekend with my various encounters with nature I became in contact with ivy of the poisonous sort.

I love that I am itchy and I have poison ivy on my arms and legs.

I think it's great that tomorrow I am inducting a lovely individual (okay, no sarcasm there) into NHS and I will be perfectly capable of sitting still and not making a scene out of my absurd amounts of itchiness.

I'm glad that I can be positive of the fact that I will not scratch the skin off of my body.

This is going to be good, kids.



I think this is my second or third post of the day. That's weird.

Ice skating= a love of my life. Not the, but a love for sure. I had no idea how much I missed it. Especially those salchows. That always was my favorite jump. To seal the deal Jackie and I did a buddy spin, complete with total dizziness. That is the only spin that makes me dizzy. So, so dizzy. OSU ice rink has changed, but is the same.

Kim brought me my favorite cookies ever. Which, if you're curious, happen to be from the WAC cafe, Peaches, and are peanut butter cookies with Reeses Pieces in them. I'm not sure if anyone can relate but let me tell you they are the best of the best.

I found my momma's bible with the help of Kelly and Kim. Thanks guys, I love sitting with you.

Hanson was played. Yeah, no joke, they played Hanson after CT. Emily and I started rockin' of course because we went to the most recent Hanson concert together. Josh and Andrew were the band, and Emily and I sang, although we couldn't reach those high notes really. Josh says the new Hanson is too manly for him to take, I say it's all amazing. But he also likes yellow and orange skittles so I'm not sure how much you can trust him. Purple, Red, and Green are the best skittles and that's all there is to it.

These cookies are probably made in Heaven and dropped down to the Peaches cafe. They even look perfect.

I'm in need of seeing a concert with my concert buddy Emily S. I hope I don't have to wait until Mae to see one with her. I want to see The Shins or something! Don't know why they came to mind, I have no idea if they're even touring.

I"ve got to go read The Joy Loser Club. Yeah, you know what I mean. By Amy Terrible.

3:30-5:30 will be amazing.

Let me inform you of my past and why today is such a joyous occasion.

When I was a youngin.. eight years old to be exact... I anxiously attended OSU ice rink every Saturday morning for my figure skating lessons. Yes, many memories I'm quite fond of. I wrote a descriptive paper on it earlier in the year? Anyways, it was there that I first loved figure skating and made it my life goal to go to the Olympics to compete as a figure skater. Since then my progression into the world of ice skating has ceased and long gone are the Olympian dreams, but it will forever hold a special place in my heart. You see, freshman year when I met Jackie Cline we ended up conversating about OSU ice rink and a particular ice show we both participated in! Indeed, Jackie Cline and I were fellow ice skaters under the instruction of OSU at the same time and we didn't know eachother. I forget what her class did in the show but my group did Cinderella. (I have a great pic if you don't believe me, I was such a darling Cinderella...haha) Ever since we stumbled upon our similar past we have wanted to go back to OSU ice rink and skate. Well, after almost four years it is finally happening today at 3:30 and I simply cannot wait. Hmm, suck though, this better not symbolize some sort of end in Jackie and mine's friendship. No, I refuse to let that be the case.

Anyways, I'm going to go get laundry sorted out and pickupmyroom so I can revisit the past knowing my duties at home are taken care of.

I'd love to see you all tonight at Cross Trainers, really. Sit by me?



Donald Miller possibly over-uses the word "copious" in Blue Like Jazz. Perhaps that's just because it's not usually a common word but is becoming more so these days, so it sticks out to me. Really, you could say that anybody over-uses the word "the" or "is" but that's only because there isn't really any alternatives for those articles and well, "copious" isn't your only option for it's meaning. Fortunately it is a wonderful book so I'll be gracious and over look this matter...haha. I think the only reason that I noticed it so much already is because it seems to be catching on to everybody who's somebody's vocabulary. Keep your ear's open and listen..

I played night kickball tonight. Mashel, Austin, Duce, Jeremy, Marcus, Matt and I played from like 8:15-10:30, but it seemed like much longer. It got dark around 9 and the park guy who came didn't even kick us out. This has never happened to me before. So lucky us got to play night kickball. Sure, you couldn't really see the ball and sure, we got slaughtered, but that's no matter of great importance. The success is that we were able to play in the dark, and that I scored a few points for my team. Yeah, I may not be a great threat in the outfield but my kicking/running skills aren't that bad. After we got bored of that we moved on to the shelter where I was pelted in the arm by the ball (I risk my arm health for love of the game) and tap danced on the tables. Duce and I then bulldozer mound building raced. By that I mean, Duce and I sat on the mini-bulldozer toys and raced on which of us could make the bigger mound. Me, in all of my bulldozing glory, pulled off a win with my mound resembling the Rocky Mountains (really! that's how big it was!) and retreated into the night. I dropped off Mashel and Austin and made my way home listening to the victory music of Multi-sensory Aesthetic Experience (if you catch my drift) and reflected on my wonderful Saturday. If the park guy who let us play kickball is reading this than I extend a warm thank you and an offer to play in our next game-- we'll let you pitch!

I wish I could fully remember my favorite quote of the night said by Marcus. Something about the ball hitting him.

A rough quotage: "It would be fine. I'd just be a paraplegic. Then they'd build me a ramp for my wheelchair at graduation."

If you know Marcus you know it was delightfully funny. That kid could make me laugh forever and ever, probably because he always sounds so serious about trivial things and I don't understand for a second how his mind works. It's astonishing.

Well, that's all I can think of really. I'm off to read and then fall deep into sweet slumber. See you in the morning.

[edit] I forgot to add that I fell in love with an instrument at the Jars of Clay concert, probably the most common instrument.


Misc. Pictures

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Walking It Out buds

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Gorgeous girls in the prom dresses that they didn't buy

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Chris driving the zamboni at Bird Arena and takin me along for the ride!

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Austin laughing!

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Duce lookin' fierce!

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Best feet forever!?

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Cupcakes I made!

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Statehouse posing fun

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More statehouse

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That girl I hang out with

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Momma with a ponytail

Can you tell I just emptied my memory stick onto Photobucket?



Last night before I went to bed I was full of thoughts and decided to write stuff down. So, I'm sitting there, with this blank paper and a pen, and there's nothing. All I could think about was how I had nothing on my mind. Give it an outlet and away it goes.

Now is the same.


My Poem

Now for a poem which I entitled, "Lonely at home on a school day and I can't stop coughing"

I was such a doggone fool
for thinking I could go to school
I can't stop sniffing, I need a tissue
This non-stop coughing is an issue
I don't want to be left behind
I need more knowledge in this mind
Please God please, make it stop
In my classes, I wanna be at the top.

The End.


Toledo to Tokyo

If you know me at all you had to know this post was coming eventually.
May 13th, Little Brother's. How sweet of them to come three days before my birthday. ...With Days Away? This is so excellent. I love how the guy from Days Away dances. So wonderful.

Did you know that the new Mae cd was so amazing? Did you know that it was like a book?

"Did you know how you would move us Did you know? Did you know how you would move me? Well, I don't even think so. But the moment's magic swept us away. And the stars, they seemed to paint the most elaborate scene to date.

How could we know? That song, this show. We'd learn so much about ourselves from Toledo to Tokyo. The words were scribed on every page ad now there's books up on our shelves."

"The sun was barely coming up. My heart was all but slowing down, but I could barely make out the sound. It was my personal symphony, striking the chords for only me. There was a coursing all through my veins. Another chance to get away. Oh!"

"Hey! What's the point in trying to get away? The neverending search to find escape is going to leave you cold."

It's never been more perfect being alive. I've never been so satisfied. Oh...

I could feel something different for the first time. Heaven made sense and all the words rhymed..."

"Hope. It's the light that strikes the burn inside of me. It's a blinding light but somehow I can see when I've lost my way. It's becoming very clear."

"Painted skies. I've seen so many that can not compare to your ocean eyes. The pictures you took that cover your room. And it was just like the sun, but more like the moon. A light that can reach it all."


Favorite song you ask? "We're So Far Away" without a doubt.


Money spent on books and fresh flowers is not wasted

Picked up The Joy Luck Club today. Among a lot of other books. Okay, so I went crazy at Barnes and Noble, but that's why I generally avoid it. I heard somewhere that money spent on books and fresh flowers is not wasted, so at least someone has my back.

The Visual Edition of Phillip Yancey's What's So Amazing About Grace? is excellent and one of the great purchases of today.

Okay, now on to the Fry's...

Happy Birthday Austin Fry!

Music/ Wilco- I'm a Wheel

...and Jazmin Haver too!

So, last night we all went to Duce's house to play Scene It. Oh, you know, that game that you dominate if you've seen and can retain every detail from every movie ever. Well, I'm not really sure why I was there, or why Duce and Jeremy were on the same team. Seriously, it's a skill. Duce and Jeremy, mainly Duce, got just about every answer and I just sat in awe of his knowledge. My team did manage to get two points, both won by Mashel herself.

This morning I finished Harry Potter 5. I know, I should've read it a long time ago, it's just that there was other stuff to do. So I finally got around to reading it in it's entirety and of course I loved it, and want more. Next time I know to wait to read it until a week before the new one comes out so there will not be a break without new Harry Potter schemes and battles.

Ivan the iBook is being jank.

Which would you suggest I get, Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan or A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith? I've read niether, but have heard more about the first. I need it by Monday. The library refuses to give me either of them, being that they are in high demand and reserved until probably after I graduate. I'll probably just pick up the first at Barnes and Noble today.

So I hear Copeland is coming April 7th to The Basement. That's neat. I like their new CD, but think they could've done much much better.

DCB's Sunsets and Sushi CD is amazing. At least, I think so. First I was like heeeey, a Postal Service CD in a case marked David Crowder Band. Songs we know and love remixed into electrohappiness. It's great fun.

My laundry is begging to be sorted into piles and washed. Man. It's time to go.


Turner Quote

"I must admit that sometimes I have been jealous of God's work in the lives of others. Sometimes, He seemingly speaks and moves all day long in the lives of some believers. But I've learned that in my pursuit of provocative faith in God I must never look at the way God is dealing in the life of others and wish Him to do the same in my life. Like Jesus said many times, God knows what I need. My needs are different than yours. Your needs are different than your pastor's. Do not look at the lives of others and compare. That's not faith."
Matthew Paul Turner