This is a little bit of what I've been doing lately. Just a little bit.
Alan, Carl, me, KellyMc, Sonya, Kim (all of the shirts)
Lizzie with candy and fruit at movie night at miss Danielle Reisdorf's
Yes, that is a large candy bowl. With Nerds and gummy everything. You could also refer to it as a bowl full of cavities.
Jeremy and Duce. The boys I went with to see Switchfoot! ( I pretty much love these boys.)
Saw Switchfoot for the third time, awesome as always. Ohio State Fair.
Off-roading with the boys in Austin's car. Yikes. I thought I was losing my life. Good news- I didn't.
I made hundreds (probably?) of cookies for the Orange Twp. blood drive.
I also made brownies but didn't get any pictures.
These girls stole Annie the stuffed dog. After many ransom notes we got her back the old fashioned way: hiring boys to attack and run.
Mashel, Austin, and I checked out the new B&N OSU bookstore just 'cause it looked amazing.
On the way home we saw this.
This picture is actually for Mashel, and posted so she can see it. It Brian's pulled pork sandwich at Brian and David's Eagle Scout ceremony. I took it in her honor. Enjoy Mashel!
"When I look at the stars, I feel like myself"