
"I shambled after as I've been doing all my life after people who interest me..."

I think once you get past the initial tiresome stretch of biking, you can pretty much bike for the rest of your life. I mean, I think that's how Lance did it all those years. He got to set his own (fast) pace, you know?

I don't write much these days, at least not on paper or screen. Just constructing word chains in my head and never recording them. Countless fragments, I'm sure...

So, how bout I forever photo post? The days are short, but not as short as the nights, and tomorrow I will need prayers if you think of me.

Last two care of Alex Talks!




John Ringhofer knows what he's doing, and he's my favorite of them all. Sufjan, though, came out with The Avalanche, and I can really appreciate some of the tracks instantly.


I'm mad that the overwhelming majority of females I know are not at all comfortable with their appearance, most are even upset by it, some cannot stop thinking about it. I'm mad that this is normal.


"Maybe we should ration the granola bars."