
We went to Cedar Point today:

Holler at the backseat.
Beloved Bucyrus.
We keep her around 'cause she's cute.
Things got a little crazy, what with the town parades.
On Mondays Sonya turns lion. Turqoise lion.

Also, it's always nice to be reminded that I love the Raptor and also the movie Spanglish. I think sometimes I forget both those bits.


Weight Of Water



Does anyone have a spare bike lock they would be willing to give me? I wonder if that chalk is still in my trunk.

Hello vibrant present sun,
Your vacations leave me



Last night I was around a girl confessing to have tonsillitis. I grew suspicious of the nature of this infection, questioning if it was contagious, but only in my mind and to myself, and there was no information on it to recall. If it were to be transferred to my system via air, it had already been done. Today as my throat closed and started to become messy I remembered last night. I do not know anything about tonsillitis- I just know how annoyed I am by the current state of my throat. It has seen better days.

I want to go bicycling in the morning before I start my work. I should get to bed.


Out of your many faces
Flash memories to me
Now at the day end
Away from the sidewalks
Where your shoe soles traveled
And your voices rose and blent
To form the city's afternoon roar
Hindering an old silence.

I remember lean ones among you,
Throats in the cluch of a hope,
Lips written over with strivings,
Mouths that kiss only for love,
Records of great wishes slept with,
Held long
And prayed and toiled for:

Written on
Your mouths
And your throats
I read them
When you passed by.

Carl Sandburg

[This poem (along with most) gets better each time you read it. Come back later, you'll be doing yourself a favor.]

[[Today was wonderful. Westerville Central is blessed to have such a sweet personable librarian and more resources than I could have imagined having at South. I saw many sweet faces I recognized, making my visit that much better. I cannot wait to be a librarian.]]

Mrs. Hamrick

Hanging out/helping a librarian today. Mr. Samanich says I'm just like her?

Which will come in handy considering I want her job. She has it double booked for today, so it'll be bananas and nuts and all sorts of potassium/protein sources that imply a little craziness.


Has anyone ever made such a fool outta you?

I very much enjoyed cross trainers last night. I thought both speakers were excellent, and I love that I can be there not as a student in high school, but a student of Christ...and life in Christ. I think the one thing I am near infinitely passionate about is to keep learning. Regardless of age or profession, I hope I never cease to learn, because I am the only one receiving these specific opportunities and perspectives I am offered during this lifetime.

In other news, there's never a more perfect time of day to listen to Ray LaMontagne than in the dewey and newly sunlit morning.

Want to hear something potentially tragic but astoundingly okay? Last night, in a last attempt to stay awake and read, I made a cup of coffee and retreated to this very space here. I was typing something before I began reading, and guess what happened? My suave gracefulness bumped the coffee just enough for it to quickly land on it's side, in the direction of my iBook. I recently did a very dumb thing that required quick and clever action (though the "clever" actions were in response to not so clever blunders) so I was ready. I scooped up my iBook and swiftly swiped my mouse to the east, on my gray chair. I sprinted to the kitchen, grabbed a roll of paper towels and first took care of the bottom of my iBook, then my dripping mouse, then the rest of the not-so-significant desk items that were now saturated in coffee. After all the drama, and still with some coffee left, I tried to read and couldn't stop mentally laughing at myself, so I went to bed.

So one of the coffee saturated items mentioned above is yellow post-its. They are stained with coffee at the top, and I'm thinking of selling them. Starbucks would eat that up.

I'll read some documents now to replace my lack of that necessary studying last night.

[Dr. Lee Jong-wook (head of WHO) died]
Ahhh SanFrancine, thinking of WHO makes me think of PIH and when we get the lingo down (MDR!) we will revolutionize the healthcare industry. (Right....?!)

"When all of this around us falls, I'll tell you what we're gonna do. You will shelter me, my love. And I, I will shelter you."
Soulful Ray.

"You've missed out on something if you don't know He delights in you."
(friend referring to Psalms 18:19)


Grace is noteworthy

Over the course of the day I got increasingly overwhelmed to the point of not being able to stand it, I cracked. I prayed a slobbery blubbering helpless prayer and got Starbucks and my day has 180ed.

It's like I just told Kim. With God and Starbucks on one's side, an individual is unstoppable. The Redwalls don't hurt that combination either.

[Step right up, for a colorful revolution.]


tiny paintings

"When the time's ripe, I answer you.
When victory's due, I help you."

Isaiah 49:8 (MSG)


For we meet by one or the other.

The single clenched fist lifted and ready,
Or the open asking hand held out and waiting.
For we meet by one or the other.

Carl Sandburg.


I am in favor of potted plants.

So here I am. It's funny thinking about what you should be working on, and not working on it. Funny in the not so funny way, which can be funny. Seems like most of the first bits of my blog entries are becoming more and more contradictory. I'm okay with that. It's not like carrot-cake makes a lot of sense but people seem to like that.

Note that if you ever have a river of junk flowing down the back of your esophagus, invest in some Delsym, found in your local grocer, or perhaps just Meijer. I know, I put that so eloquently that you can't help but be enthused about Delsym. Momma asked the pharmacist about it and the pharmacist recommended it along with Claritin + cough drops and I'm psyched about sleeping tonight. I have a good feeling about it, like it will happen successfully, no cough drop permanantly lodged to the roof of my mouth.

[note: what you feel and see is a story]
Truth, so grab a brain wave and make a mental post it.

I'd like to give a shout out to:
God, the gardener of my weeds, the garbage man of my trash (the recycler of my plastics),
the One who secures the only way I could ever be clean.


Camera + Jackie + Goodale Park =


How I justify my obsessive blog checking:

I love so many minds.

Also, Issues in Western Experience was a speck better today, due to the mention of Swift and the hint of a future discussion on the Opium War..... "that's ill"

B&N did not have Bird by Bird, and quite frankly that's preposterous.


"You cannot stop New York City"

Summer '05

Winter '06


We know You're among us, in hearts that form a nation

It's been a very strange day for me. Well, no, it hasn't really. But see what I mean? It's strange that I would be compelled to tell you that my day has been strange when it actually has not. No, that's not really strange either.

So, TR classes suck the energy out of my body. I mean, really, it's lucky that I'm able to walk standing upright to my apt. afterwards because of how little they leave me with. Good thing today Duce was conveniently driving next to me so he gave me a ride. The good news is, he's making a Picasso-like sculpture in art, and who doesn't like those?

So I make it home and I'm like, I need so much caffeine. Which isn't entirely a healthy realization, but what do you do? I'm not talking Pepsi-cola caffeine, and no mere cup of coffee I make could truly hold up the quantity I was seeking, so naturally I headed off to Starbucks.

On my way there I encountered many insane drivers, making me question things like, "What is in the water in Westerville?" (Note: alliteration) Also things like, "If these psycho drivers crash into me will I still have to turn in my papers next week?" Well, it is only about a 5 minute drive to Starbucks (I really should have walked to Heavenly Cup instead) but I think I nearly wrecked one time for each minute, the fault not lying in my hands, of course. Trucks swerving, multiple cars pulling out of parking spots parallel to me in Uptown without signaling or waiting for ample room, Camrys running red lights, it was nuts. I found myself getting angrier and angrier with all these drivers. After all these instances, the questioning turns to, "Is my Honda Accord invisible?", and "Is my brain really just hooked up to a vat of goo somewhere meaning my physical body/the external world is not real?"

Yeah, that last one is a kicker. I didn't actually think these things, but I did get angry, and that worried me because I'm usually not an angry road rage type of person.

Well, I made it to Starbucks safely and ordered a Venti (Venti means "Half of Kelly's checking account" in Latin) and met Sarah at the drive-thru. Oh, Sarah. She's sweet, and I haven't seen her lately. I worked with her at Graeter's and suddenly we were talking about school and jobs and she told me she could secure me a Starbucks job. Next thing I know I have my drink in one hand and an application in the other. Hmm, Barnes and Noble, Panera, or Starbucks? (Like it's my choice? If only..) Who knows, but I'm fairly positive I don't have what it takes to be a personable Starbucks gal. One time the girl in the drive-thru talked to me for like ten minutes about my schooling and career goals. I don't think I could do that constantly with each customer, I would become grumpy most likely. Personality fault or something. I love learning about people, but it usually comes better for me through observation and not persistant questioning, etc.

I made it home all right and here I am procrastinating so that I don't have to write my paper due next week. Really, who wants to write that paper? I do not.

My Venti is already gone and my incense has burned down and I think these are signs to start writing. (What? Signs?)

I think I'll clean or something first.


Crispety, crunchety, peanut-buttery!

Francine gave me some butterfingers and so things are getting a little crazy around here.


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[Michael Kamber for The New York Times]

"Thinly stretched African Union troops have been unable to stop the violence in the Darfur region of Sudan."

Beautiful, aren't they?

Some of the rebel groups did not agree to terms of the Sudanese government's peace agreement, it did not meet all of their demands, the deadline has passed so it has been extended 48 hours "at the request of the United States." We'll see what happens.