
I, lowly thing

I have a jiejie who is staying with her dad in East Asia, right now. She talked some sense into me, and I will not be taking 20 hours this fall, because I know that I cannot handle that, especially with 10 of those being two different foreign languages.

Now that jiejie has shared wisdom of a bit, I look to Father to share wisdom of the grand sort. Chinese language or Sociology minor?

And oh, He is so beautiful.

I love this:

"Brothers and sisters, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth. But G-d chose the foolish things of the earth to shame the wise; G-d chose the weak things of the earth to shame the strong. G-d chose the lowly things of the world, and the despised things--and the things that are not--to nullify the things that are, so that no one may boast before him."
1 Cor'nthians 1:27-29


The answer is blowin' in the wind

The Peace Walkers in C-bus. Adam, mentioned two posts below, is second from the left.

They're on a different route, but both him and Jim joined them for their trek across town.


Pr for Laura

G-d is going to use my old roommate to change the world.

That's why He took her to film school.

I can't wait.

Kill The Rooster Niiiice


yesterday there was a tornado.

Well some shapes have left and now some have entered stage right, and so the new picture looks different than the old. This is confusing me a little bit but as long as I'm willing to admit that, things are not so dire and I'm left with a bit of time. As autumn is approaching, I'm also left with a bit of crunchy leaves and just enough autumn-scent to leave me pining.

Last night I went with a friend to a purple, cozy, friendly, loud, and flowery cafe on the same street we started the night out on. At the beginning of our venture into tea & coffee time we met a guy named Adam, who was not lacking in Xylitol gum at the time. As we were departing, I ran into him again and while my friend struck up a conversation with another peng-you in the area, I became curious with Adam's presence and life. When asked, "What do you do?" which is the poorest question one could ask upon meeting someone (though the answer may contain a bucket of interesting to analyze), he explained to me that he was, actually, walking across the United States on foot.

It seems as though God called Adam to leave all possessions at home (including ID) and to trek across the land of the free, loving God and people all the way there. Adam has been walking approximately 30-40 miles a day. God also prompted a guy named Jim to do this, and while Adam started out in New York with a Californian destination, Jim started in Chicago, destination: New York & eventually Jerusalem. They both departed the same day, and ran into eachother outside of Columbus.

We walked with them around the city for a few hours before I departed from them at 4am to sleep a little bit. They slept at my friends house and today after service I went there to see them again and eat lunch with them.

They should be on their respective ways now...

Tomorrow I pick up a minor in Sociology? We'll see.

Pra.se G-d for peng-yous who are passionate, inspired, and awake. It was a bl.ss.ng to see Mary last night-- I had missed her kindred spirit very much. Also, new friends that go go go... they inspire me. Hello active mind, it's been awhile...



The Church should proclaim its concept of God, as it has come to know God through Christ, to all people in society, including Muslims and Jews. This should be done unashamedly and uncompromisingly. The Church should insist on what God is really like - not in a spirit of superiority or condescension, but in humility and love. The Church must be conscious of its own failure in not living up to the responsibility of the knowledge of God that it has been given. It has not attained perfection, but still seeks a deeper understanding of God in Christ. It is not so much the Church that possesses the truth; rather, the truth in Christ has possessed the Church.
- Naim Ateek

from Justice, and Only Justice: A Palestinian Theology of Liberation


robot not

i felt things just now


[the world spins madly on]
If you live alone, whose feet will you wash?

- Saint Basil


august 07

if i make the photo smaller it would fit within this column. but why would i make this photo smaller? if anything, it should be bigger.


Guitar, suitcase, and a warm coat

Well this is awkward. I forgot that in my bedroom at home I can hear most things that are said in the kitchen and in the garage. Ouch.

Laura moved out.

Mr. Coffee broke.

Junk's everywhere.

None of these things actually matter.

Meanwhile, the Weepies are going to be on repeat for awhile. One of their songs is round in the way I need it to be for the things that happen.


"i wonder what would happen if a chinese mosquito met an american mosquito? would there be cultural differences? maybe they prefer different blood types?"

oh wendi.


Also, Psalm 139

Hardest question for me to answer: How was *East Asia*?

Here I sit, at the library. I love libraries, just as much as I love airports. I don't like airports much when I am leaving a place where I have grown immensely, but I suppose there are exceptions to most rules. I'm not sure I like or agree with that, that there are exceptions to most rules, but I'm not sure what I like or agree with about most things these days.

I have had to face a few struggles since I have been back that were largely absent while I was abroad. It's nice to escape readable advertising for a time, I'd suggest it to all of you. I am fearfully and wonderfully made, the end.

Children are usually quite beautiful, but none so beautiful as the ones clutching books twice the size of them, eagerly anticipating their contents. I'm beginning to love Children's Literature more all the time, and thinking about creating some. I'm not sure what's stopping me other than time.

I should stop thinking about what I dislike about here and now. Is that not allowing the enemy to have a bit of me? The Sovereign has delivered me to this place and this time, and to yearn otherwise is not pra.se. Turning this yearning for that place into pr.y.r for that place, that's more evident of awe. G-d, create in me a perpetual state of awe.

Remember how there's no better sermon than the sun?

Direct me to the fulfilling of Your purpose today, in this town where You have created space for me, in the moments You have ordained.


hami melon on a stick

meet rachel