Two weeks ago two small groups combined to form the coolest group.

You probably think they're laughing hysterically. I think otherwise because I was behind the scenes.

On 'Underwraps" night, this poster was in a children's classroom that was being used as the coat room. This boy is almost as cute as the "Snack Attack" boy at Target. Look at that face.
“God knows everything about everything and everyone. His eyes race back and forth across the cosmos faster than we can scan the words on this page. There is not a bird flying through the air or perched on a branch that escapes His field of vision.”
Louie Giglio, "I am not..." 49-50
I like this particular illustration of how big God is and how tiny we are. Perspective.
I believe this week I'm living at my parents' house. I was unable to make the move today because I had so many things to do. I believe after work tomorrow I'll just pack my things up. I didn't get my recycling to my house tonight. That's a little bit of a bummer because when I take it home it will crowd up my parents'. Wow. I seriously have recycling troubles. That's a whole new nerd level. Hmm, interesting.
I really enjoyed the Christmas activities tonight at Cross Trainers. The gift delivering was fun. The boys thought of leaving snow angels in one of the lawns we were leaving things at, I just loved that. One should take every opportunity possible to make snow angels, regardless of location. Should I retract that last statement? After I typed it a list of "where you shouldn't make snow angels" popped into my head. Let's see; gas stations, barns, ..., okay I guess that's all I've got. I met six-ish new people and three of them were related to Andrew T. and one was Andrew T. (Testaguzza? That's the only attempt I've got at his last name.) My point is, I didn't realize they were related until we were playing a game and they were relating it to "Mom cooks this a lot" and other such family things. It's weird to find out that like 2/3 of the game participants are brother/sister, brother/brother, cousins all over. We played Taboo, a game I've never played until tonight, and my team lost. We were close though, let me tell you. I'll go ahead and take the fall because it was my first time.
I'm pretty sure that schools should use that game as a vocabulary expander. Seriously, even a brainstorming, thinking, word sorting activity. It requires a lot of thought and could probably be a useful technique for when you need to write something you can't think of how to articulate. Probably even more useful for just pure synonyms. Humor me, I think it would be a fun way to get kids thinking.
"I command my fingers to dance, make me sweet melodies..." Josh Holthus.
On Friday I went to the Chiller North with Jackie. Wow, it's ridiculous how therapeutic skating is for me. Sometimes I miss it so much, you know. I don't do it often enough. I've given up on any jumps other than like... salchows, toe loops, and waltzes, if those even count (all halves or singles, of course). Those are even done very poorly. That's okay, though. Just being there was so peaceful.
Jackie and I had some really good conversations about growing up, and the desire to be poor. Haha, I'm sure we'll get what's coming to us. Really though, doesn't being poor just sound like such a learning experience? I know that probably sounds really ignorant to the hardships and trials impoverished people have to face, but I just think it would probably clear an individual's head a lot. That's why doing anything other than pulling an undercover Ehrenreich would only be so interesting providing that one has got some major life and moral decisions under control. Still though, there is something poetic about not having a lot. Simplifying things.
My jeans are wet. This is not a complaint, a mere observation, or rather, a confusing conclusion. Why are my jeans wet? Because I've neglected to change even though the hems are seven inches in what was snow. That sure is smart.
My aunt Joy's present is all done with! It turned out even better than I thought it would, and the thought of keeping it crossed my mind. What a funny, selfish thought. I simply cannot wait for her to open it.
Mom got her radiographer's license!I'm just very proud of her. I feel like I'm her mom or something. She studied so hard.
She earned it."Christians love talking about being a servant until someone treats them like one."
I think that's thought-provoking and a good wake up call of sorts.
"But meals were nicer; and as for sweets, I won't tell you how cheap and good they were, because it would only make your mouth water in vain." CSL
I don't generally enjoy sugar cookies and tonight I had one I liked.
Please pray for the family of a boy I grew up in Annehurst with. It's been a rough week. After being put into a coma by a bad car accident, he died. What else do you say. The memories race back and you can't stop them, they just keep coming.