Music/ Wilco- I'm a Wheel
...and Jazmin Haver too!
So, last night we all went to Duce's house to play Scene It. Oh, you know, that game that you dominate if you've seen and can retain every detail from every movie ever. Well, I'm not really sure why I was there, or why Duce and Jeremy were on the same team. Seriously, it's a skill. Duce and Jeremy, mainly Duce, got just about every answer and I just sat in awe of his knowledge. My team did manage to get two points, both won by Mashel herself.
This morning I finished Harry Potter 5. I know, I should've read it a long time ago, it's just that there was other stuff to do. So I finally got around to reading it in it's entirety and of course I loved it, and want more. Next time I know to wait to read it until a week before the new one comes out so there will not be a break without new Harry Potter schemes and battles.
Ivan the iBook is being jank.
Which would you suggest I get,
Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan or
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith? I've read niether, but have heard more about the first. I need it by Monday. The library refuses to give me either of them, being that they are in high demand and reserved until probably after I graduate. I'll probably just pick up the first at Barnes and Noble today.
So I hear Copeland is coming April 7th to The Basement. That's neat. I like their new CD, but think they could've done much much better.
DCB's Sunsets and Sushi CD is amazing. At least, I think so. First I was like heeeey, a Postal Service CD in a case marked David Crowder Band. Songs we know and love remixed into electrohappiness. It's great fun.
My laundry is begging to be sorted into piles and washed. Man. It's time to go.